Lighthouse Renovation in County Cork

The Essence of Home Transformation

Not many have the opportunity to greet passing fishermen from their garden, yet Saoirse Fitzgerald enjoys this unique experience at her home in Co Cork, which is the former residence of a lighthouse keeper.

The Heart of Renovation: Functionality Meets Fun

At the core of this transformation was a delicate balance between fun and functionality. The challenge was to overhaul the existing structure, turning it into a more cohesive and enjoyable living area. “In small family homes, every inch counts,” Shane notes. “Our goal was to integrate storage solutions creatively, turning every nook into a functional space.”

The Playful Indoor/Outdoor Bench: A Case Study

A standout feature of this renovation was the indoor/outdoor bench. This innovative structure serves multiple purposes, from being a social hub to a playful area for children. Spanning a meter in width and almost five meters in length, it seamlessly connects the interior with the outdoors.

“The choice of material was crucial,” explains Shane. “We opted for mahogany, a hardwood that’s durable for outdoor use yet warm and tactile for indoors.”

Lighthouse Renovation in County Cork

Navigating Challenges in Construction

Constructing such a feature wasn’t without its challenges. The builders had to meticulously align the timber cladding and account for weathering. They installed joints between the timber slats leading to a continuous drain to tackle Ireland’s infamous horizontal rain.

Architectural Farm: Pioneers in Irish Home Renovation

Shane Cotter and Kathryn Wilson, the duo behind Architectural Farm, have been reshaping Irish architecture. They founded their practice during the recession, a time that proved to be a fertile ground for innovation. Their approach is client-centric, focusing on the unique needs and lifestyles of homeowners.

The Evolution of Client-Architect Dynamics

Shane and Kathryn have observed a shift in their interactions with clients. “Today’s homeowners are well-informed and less influenced by fleeting trends,” says Shane. “They seek designs that reflect their daily lives, not just current fashions.”

Kathryn adds, “It’s about collaboration. The more our clients engage with us, the more dynamic the outcome.”

Beyond the White Box: A New Era in Extensions

Gone are the days of generic ‘white box’ extensions. Today, it’s about infusing life and joy into projects. “Each design is a response to how the clients envision their life in that space,” Shane comments. This approach reflects a broader trend in Irish architecture, moving away from one-size-fits-all solutions to more personalized, context-responsive designs.

The Future of Irish Domestic Architecture

Looking ahead, Shane and Kathryn see a bright future for domestic architecture in Ireland. Inspired by leading architects like Grafton Architects and O’Donnell + Tuomey, they anticipate a surge in regionally-focused, performance-oriented residential projects.

The Personal Rewards of an Architectural Career

For Shane and Kathryn, architecture is more than a profession; it’s a way of understanding the world. “Every day is a mix of art, engineering, psychology, and design,” says Shane. “It’s about creating spaces that resonate with human experiences and aspirations.”

Design and planning
The very beginning of the project is the most crucial stage. Ask lots of questions to your architect / engineer so you are clear on all the changes they are suggesting and discuss budgets for each aspect at this stage too. Keep patient, this can be the longest phase of your renovation even though it is the stage where you really just want to get going!

Direct labour
Make sure you are explaining what you are after properly. The image you have in your head versus what you explain could be very different. I often drew things out so we could chat through whatever the changes were. I would also say that asking your tradesmen for their recommendations or for additional information is brilliant – they will have seen a lot of homes and an abundance of ways of doing things. Ask questions if you don’t understand, and don’t feel stupid asking. This was my first home and my first renovation so a lot of the terms were new. If you don’t ask, it could cost you in the long run.

Lighthouse Keepers is available to rent on and you can catch up on Home of the Year on the RTÉ Player.

Conservation architect
Quinn Barnwall (Frederick Quinn & Richard Barnwall)
Structural engineer
Timothy Guerin BE (civil & structural engineer)
Anthony Lombard
James Fitzgerald Electrical and Ronan Fitzgerald
Plumbing and heating
Aidan O Rourke
Waterproofing method

Lighthouse Renovation in County Cork

Written by Astrid Madsen

Astrid Madsen is the editor of the SelfBuild magazine. Email

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