The Impact of Building Material Prices 2022

In this comprehensive article, we delve into the intricate world of building material prices in Ireland. We aim to provide a clear and informative guide for both industry experts and everyday individuals who are concerned about the rising costs of constructing and renovating their homes. Throughout this article, we will explore various building materials, examining the factors affecting their prices in 2022 and where these prices are heading in the near and medium terms. Our data source for this analysis is, an online builder’s merchant that initiated a building materials price tracker specifically designed for the Irish market. Their data collection commenced in March 2022 and is limited to the Republic of Ireland.

Understanding the Factors Behind Material Price Increases

Before we jump into the specifics of each building material, it’s crucial to understand the overarching factors influencing the prices of construction materials in 2022. Several key elements contribute to these fluctuations:

1. Raw Ingredient Shortages

One of the primary drivers of increased material costs in 2022 is raw ingredient shortages. Many manufacturers have struggled to obtain essential materials, causing disruptions in the supply chain and subsequently leading to higher prices for consumers.

2. Rising Energy Costs

Another significant contributor to material price hikes is the escalation in energy costs. Energy is a critical component in the production and transportation of building materials. As these costs surge, they are passed down to the end consumers, further driving up prices.

3. Global Transport Challenges

The global transport situation has exacerbated the challenges faced by the construction industry. Delays in shipping and increased transport costs have added to the overall cost of materials. This international aspect of the problem affects local markets like Ireland.

Now that we’ve established the key drivers of material price increases let’s explore specific building materials and their price trends in 2022.

Insulation: Costs and Price Trends

Insulation Price Tracker

Insulation prices experienced a steady rise throughout the early months of 2022. However, the good news is that these price increases appear to have stabilised. The reasons behind the initial surge can be attributed to raw ingredient shortages and rising energy costs, which impacted manufacturers. Additionally, end consumers had to bear the brunt of increased global transport costs.

Industry experts anticipate ongoing fluctuations in insulation prices for the short to medium term. However, they hold out hope for eventual stabilisation, providing some relief to builders and homeowners alike.

building material prices

Timber: Costs and Price Trends

Timber Price Tracker

Timber prices saw an overall increase in 2021, and this trend continued into early 2022. The industry is cautiously optimistic that prices will stabilise and eventually level out if energy and transport costs do not undergo significant increases for the remainder of the year.

building material prices

Cement: Costs and Price Trends

Cement Price Tracker

May 2022 witnessed a spike in cement prices, primarily driven by fuel and energy costs, exacerbated by raw ingredient shortages and global transport challenges. Nevertheless, there is optimism within the industry that if energy costs stabilise throughout the year, the overall pricing for cement could level out and potentially decrease.

building material prices

Sheet Materials: Costs and Price Trends

Sheeting Price Tracker

Early 2022 brought about price increases in sheet materials, but these increases have now plateaued. However, recent stock shortages may push up demand, leading to inevitable price hikes. Of particular concern is Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF), which heavily relies on key ingredients sourced from Ukraine—a region affected by conflict.

The short-term outlook anticipates price increases due to supply shortages and rising manufacturing and transport costs. In the medium to long term, there is more optimism, as the industry hopes for the stabilisation of energy and transport costs.

building material prices

Plasterboard: Costs and Price Trends

Plasterboard Price Tracker

Plasterboard prices remained relatively consistent throughout 2021 and 2022. However, the fuel and energy situation has amplified the rising costs due to raw ingredient shortages and global transport expenses. While a price increase is still a possibility, overall pricing has stabilised, with cautious optimism that this level will be maintained unless energy costs experience significant fluctuations throughout 2022.

building material prices

Concrete Blocks: Costs and Price Trends

Concrete Blocks Price Tracker

The cost of concrete blocks exhibited an overall increase in 2021, a trend that continued slightly into early 2022. Similar to other materials, rising fuel and energy costs have contributed to these price hikes. There remains cautious optimism that pricing can be maintained, but the looming threat of increasing energy costs may pose challenges.

building material prices

Navigating the Challenges of Building Material Prices in Ireland

The price trends for common building materials in Ireland reflect the broader challenges faced by the construction industry in 2022. Raw ingredient shortages, rising energy costs, and global transport disruptions have combined to drive up the prices of materials essential for building and renovating homes.

While some materials have seen stabilisation in their pricing, others continue to face uncertainties. It’s crucial for builders, contractors, and homeowners to stay informed about these trends and plan their projects accordingly. Furthermore, keeping a watchful eye on energy costs and the global transport situation can help mitigate the impact of price fluctuations.

As we move forward, it’s essential for industry stakeholders and policymakers to work collaboratively to address these challenges and create a more stable environment for the construction sector in Ireland. Building a resilient and adaptable supply chain will be key to ensuring that the cost of construction remains manageable for all.

Written by Astrid Madsen

Astrid Madsen is the editor of the SelfBuild magazine. Email

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